
October 18th, 2021

I added a test-git-hooks branch to see what a hooks-setup feature would need to do.

July 7, 2021

  • Write bent depend feature
    • The initial depending is fully implemented, but may need polish & may have bugs
    • The updating is laid out in comments
    • See Status/


  • Release after scrawl & lexer are updated & docs + help menus regenerated

High Priority Features & Bugs

Low Priority Features

  • See .docsrc/ for more
  • Configure different git users to switch between
    • Using cli lib's config feature if its ever added. else can use git's config feature
  • bent ignore to list current directory & choose a file or files to add to your gitignore.
    • Use existing directory descendance thingy

Low Priority Bugs

  • core_diff breaks if pwd !== git_root_dir. Need to cd to the git root first or something.
  • Tags are displayed in bent switch branch. Fix by adding bent switch tag and removing tags from switch branch

Latest (newest to oldest)

  • Recovered the scrawl extension from commit 8d4a54e
  • Rename bent_switch_default_version to _default_branch
  • Fixed: bent url failed if the remote did not have .git at the end of it
  • Fixed: Running bent update will cause the more help menu to show, probably when it calls run more check.
  • Branch cleanup:
    • Make v0.4 branch. Update default branch to v0.4. Delete v0.4-candidate
    • Delete v0.3-candidate because it is was never complete and has been fully replaced by v0.4
  • Disable checking for merge conflicts during bent save
  • Add bent reset file command
  • Converted bent diff to use prompt_choose
  • Add prompt_choose_array, changed_files_array_no_status
  • Add bent diff to core group
  • Write a FunctionList template in Code Scrawl
  • Alternate help-menu modes 'run' & 'help'
  • Write DocBlocks for the help menu
  • Use CodeScrawl to parse DocBlocks & generate help menus (and api documentation)
  • Write a BashGrammar in my Lexer
  • cleaned up files:
    • core-unsorted.bash
    • core-update.bash
    • core.bash
    • delete.bash
    • depend.bash
    • extra.bash
    • merge.bash
    • new.bash
    • setup.bash
    • ssh-setup.bash <- fixed prompts, but other cleanup would be nice
    • ssh.bash
    • internal scripts... I think are all good
  • core_merge becomes merge (its own group)
  • convert source_files to use for loop

Potential Feature Ideas

  • Read the git output. & auomatically set the new remote as it suggests
remote: Project 'taeluf/git-project' was moved to 'taeluf/subgroup/git-project'.
remote: Please update your Git remote:
remote:   git remote set-url origin